Recycle with VER through the Davines and Green Circle Salons Take Back Box

September 9, 2020 admin

Recycle with VER through the Davines and Green Circle Salons Take Back Box

At VER, it is our singular focus to constantly be considering ways to circle back to our core founding principles. We are so proud to partner with Davines and Green Circle Salons for that reason. These companies are always looking for ways to elevate everything they do, and their commitment to sustainability is perpetually being reinspired.

Which brings us to the pilot launch of a cutting edge new way to recycle used and empty, previously difficult to recycle containers and mixed packaging. Davines and Green Circle Salons partnered to provide 37 participating salons across the United States with the opportunity to make beauty even more beautiful and VER is very excited to participate in this launch.

The beauty industry creates approximately 877 pounds of waste every single minute. A portion of this waste comes from non-recyclable materials such as dark plastics, aerosol cans, and mixed materials like Davines’ Circle Chronicles mask pouches.With this new program, all of these items can now be brought back to the salon and recycled for various purposes, including pots for trees for reforestation efforts.

Next time you visit the salon, bring your Davines empties in and place them in the box conveniently located next to the front door. We will be sure they are returned to Green Circle Salons where they will be sorted and sent on their way to a new life. We are so proud to be Eau Claire’s and the Chippewa Valley’s most dedicated eco-salon. With your help, we can be sure we are leaving an even smaller environmental footprint, leaving behind a healthier world for future generations. Ask hairstylist for more info next time you’re in the salon!

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